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If you are like most churches you have a number of great events scheduled for the next few months. People are pouring over all the details, making plans and hoping the community will show up. How do you get the word out about your events? This seems to be the missing piece for a lot of church event planners. We all know that people definitely will not show up unless they are aware of the event!


A while ago I was at our Sunday worship service listening to the event announcements and wondered, "Do the people around the church know about these great events"?  Unfortunately, my answer was very few people in our community knew about all these opportunities and the reason was very simple, we haven't told them!


Being a marketing person for over 35 years, I thought the answer to informing our community would be easy. I was wrong. We tried Facebook, Google PPC, Instagram, radio and yes, even some cable TV. The results were just OK. That is until I discovered a mobile advertising service called AdMessenger. We tried the service and the results were very impressive. We did a FB versus AdMessenger bake off and AdMessenger won easily. 


The service allows you to define your target audience and display a scrolling text message on a mobile device to people within "X" miles of your location. We've  been using  AdMessenger for over two years and now I want to offer it to churches everywhere. The service is affordable, does not require any long contracts, and it works!


Here is a brief list of events with possible target audiences that AdMessenger can use to drive attendance.


Church EventCommunity Target Audience ("X "Miles around Church)

1. Christmas Worship Service. All people with X miles of the church

2. Christmas Women Events. Females

3. Sermon on HOPE. Need HOPE. (Heath Issues, Depression, Death, Financial issues, Divorced)

4. Christian Concert. People who like Christian Music

5. Vision - to reach young families for Jesus.. People ages 21-35

6. Reach people who desire Bible Teaching. People who like History.

7. Trunk-or-Treat Event. People with kids under 12

8. Men's Prayer Breakfast. Christian Men

9. Easter Service. All people with X miles of the church

10. Vacation Bible School. People with any child under 12

11. The Global Leadership Summit Business. People with "Management/Leadership" business titles

12. Christian Speaker. Christians

13. Men's Bible Studies - Role of the husband. Married or Engaged Men

14. Class - Life With the Holy Spirit. Christians

15. Mother's Day. Moms, Grandmothers and To Be Moms

16. Father's Day. Fathers and Grandfathers

17. Sermon on Money. People making less than $50,000 per year

18. Sermon - Generation X - Our Future. Generation X

19. Golf Tournament. People who play Golf

20. Back to School Events. People with kids under 12


Recently we have been targeting people who need “HOPE” through AdMessenger. We target people who have or are experiencing issues related to death, divorce, finances, depression, and medical Issues. Last month alone we had over five hundred new users on the “HOPE” page of our website as a result of this new service. 


Click here for a demo of the "HOPE" AdMessenger that we are currently running.


If you would like to see a free demo for your church please just let me know. Got questions? Love to talk with you about the different ways AdMessenger can help reach your community.

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