I think you would agree that the world needs Jesus. Not just knowledge of Jesus but a loving relationship with Him! I'm sure your church does a great job of teaching your people about our Lord and Savior. However, there are so many people in your community that need to learn about the hope that Jesus offers when you have a relationship with Him. Until now it has been difficult to reach out to the people around your church in an effective and efficient manner.
We are proud to announce our new Outreach Messenger that is designed to reach people "x" miles around your church with customized content delivered to their mobile devices. The content is totally up to you. It consists of a scrolling text message, a main point video and four customized buttons linked to additional content on your website, Facebook, YouTube and more.
One thing I've learned is people would like to see the opportunity, not just hear about it. To that end, I have put together a demo for you. Since this is a mobile service, and to witness the ad the way your community will see it, it is best to open the link below on a mobile device.
This is a demo offering content about a relationship with Jesus. (Again, all of this can be customized to your church and community.) Relationship with Jesus demo. Click here.
Here is another example offering content of the Hope that Jesus offers. Hope is a Person demo. Click here.