A lot of organizations need an experienced marketing/project leader for special projects. They may need a fresh approach to driving sales. Some don't have the experience in-house for these special needs. That is why we are proud to offer ACR Strategies Freelance Services! It enables you to secure an experienced leader without having to hire a full-time employee.
Our focus is marketing, media research, sales management and new business revenue. Our Freelance services are designed for "short term" projects or we offer an innovative "X" hours a month option.
Below are major areas in which we specialize:
Sales Leadership
New Business Development
Media Research
Project Management
Church Management
Sports Revenue
Below are some major accomplishments from my 35+ years in Marketing/Sales Leadership
Over 20+ years TV/Cable Ad Sales Management experience.
Founder of ACR Strategies specializing in new business development.
Grew startup B2B organization (Tampa Bay Interconnect) into a $36 million dollar business within a 10 year period by focusing on new business development utilizing research insights.
Led country in New Business Development (Viamedia).
Impressive track record of innovative management of inventory based on media research to maximize revenue and minimize makegoods resulting in increased selling time for AEs.
Consistently achieved revenue targets ranging from $7 million to $36 million as Director of Sales for companies like Bright House Networks, and Nielsen Media Research, WTTA, and WTSP.
Over 25+ years developing ideas, techniques, and approaches to securing new business clients. Averaged between $1.5 and $9.5 million per year in new revenue from major corporations and advertising agencies across the country utilizing a new approach to customer/media research.
Secured over $750,000 in new revenue within an 18-month period utilizing a new research approach called “Stick It”. (Presentation aavailable at: )
Presented to over 100 account people at annual sales conferences in ‘07, ‘08 and ‘09. Trained on how to develop new business utilizing research. Over $250,000 new business revenue was the result of the training. (Presentations available at: )
Successful new revenue stream (Averaged over $350,000 per year ‘04 – ‘09) for interactive/digital products including web, mobile, VOD, interactive cable advertising, PPC and social media.
Developed and trained sales staff on the 4 ways to increase sales that resulted in over $450,000 in new business and was implemented as a standard sales technique within a span of 14 months.
Proven ability to manage agency-client-media relationships to maximize revenue.
For a full list of my experience click here for my LinkedIn profile.